目前分類:音樂分享 (3)

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Please do not stand at my grave and weep     請不要佇立在我墳前流淚,
I am not there, I do not sleep      我不在那裡, 我沒有沉睡不醒.

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Introduct two good songs to all.
1. King of Anything by Sara Bareilles    獻給每一個自信獨立的女孩


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He's name is Sungha Jung from South Korea. He was born in september 1996. His dream is to become a professional acoustic fingerstyle guitarist.

"Ulli" is an important person in Sungha's life. He produced Sungha's recent CD, providing the studio in which it was recorded. He arranged for Sungha to attend guitar seminars in Frankfort, Germany, near where Ulli lives. He helped arrange Lakewood Guitar's sponsorship of Sungha, wherein they provided Sungha's guitars. He is also one of the finest guitarists alive today.

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